Google News Listed DA38/PA28 Science Website

Domain name:
Price: $995
Description: This is a Google News indexed website with a high domain authority (38) and page authority (28) which first started publishing content in 2012. We brought the expired domain in 2019 and rebuilt it with new quality content. Currently the website has 61 uniquely-written articles published (you can verify the website content is unique via copyscape).

Google News listed websites are extremely valuable, as every article published will get listed in Google News and bring a lot more traffic. It is not easy at all to get approved in Google News and sites like this one (with a good domain authority, good page authority and unique content) are very limited. You can verify this is included in google news by searching in google news.

BIN: $995
Domain Registrar: GoDaddy
Domain Expiry: 2020-05-23

Trust me you are in a completely trustable forum where all transactions are verified by humans as @Administrators

Have no worries regards scam

What about analytics? how many unique visitors?

No traffic as the site was only just setup.

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