Got my FB page verified and

I got my FB page verified with Gray Badge. ( doesn’t matter how )
and something happened that never happened before.

When I went to the page, I saw that it was with a gray badge, but it also got a limit, but it doesn’t say what the limit is and everything seems to look just fine to me.

Anyone ever got this? I actually don’t see anything wrong.


And when I click on “Appeal” that’s what shows up, you can clearly see that after " Your page has the following restrictions:" nothing is written, and when I go to my page Insights and Settings nothing shows up -


FB with their bullshit…Check your pages content/delete everything that is not supposed to be there and try to appeal. Maybe a bug


There are no posts, it’s a new page. I can’t find anything on settings & insights that looks weird. I posted a status now and everything works & looks just fine

this is weird