Instagram Generic Username Claim Service

Generic Username Claims: INSTAGRAM [:iphone:]

OPTION 1: Full account Claim

Requirements: :writing_hand:

  • Minimum 3 month inactivity

Time Frame: :alarm_clock:

  • 24hrs-7d max, one of the fastest username claim times on the market with a 100% success rate.

Minimum Price: $1k

[Prices Vary depending on the username]


OPTION 2: Trademark [Affordable] [:iphone:]

Requirements: :open_book:

  • Username must be inactive!

Time Frame: :mantelpiece_clock:

  • 5L and Less : 7 days

  • 5L and more: 7 days

Minimum Price: $600

[Prices vary depending on the username]


  • Will not be claiming any active accounts (This rule may vary upon different situations)

  • Will not be claiming company/brand accounts for illicit purposes.

This service is to help business & Individuals get the username they desire without going through the efforts of trying to contact the original owner. No illicit or bad intentions.

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Hi Iā€™m interested

can mm be used ?

Swapd checkout is used for all deals.


Can the trademark be pending?

Hey, Im interested!

Do you still have this service?

hes banned