Instagram,twitter,Snapchat Verification services

Service type: Snapchat instagram twitter facebook Verification
Price: instagram - 2k$ [7-10 days]
Twitter- 2k$ [10-15days]
Facebook - 1k$ [3-5days]
Snapchat- 2.5k$ [10-12days]

Description: i am working in Verification services since last 2 years with 300 accounts verified successfully on instagram since now i really would love to serve you guys the services (specially if you have an indian account i can verify with in 24- 48 hours ) normally its taking 7-10 days for instagram and We can use escrows payment services for safety of both parties I can give discount on bulk orders


What are the requirements ?

Id proof , 7-10 news links which show up in google news section and Wikipedia they have

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