Instagram Verification | Musicians | Influencers | FAST

This service is for REAL musicians (or) influencers who have valid press and are unable to obtain Meta Verified.

Off-site orders have taken as short as 11 minutes and as long as 24 hours. Most times 1-3 hours.

Price for Musicians: $1,000 + SWAPD Fee.

Price for Influencers/Creators: $2,000 + SWAPD Fee.

Terms -

a. Before opening a ticket, start a chat with us and send the username of the account and press related to the person.

b. The account must not have been submitted in the last 30 days through another service, if we get a response saying it has been, we keep the funds.

c. The account MUST be a real musician or creator.

d. VALID PRESS = Non sponsored articles pop up on google when searching name or clicking news tab.

e. The account may not be dressed up to appear as someone it is not.

f. If you LOST your badge through another service, you may NOT use this service to re-submit.

g. FULL refund if denied. Usual time after submission is 30 minutes to 3 hours but will allow 3 days on the ticket.

I’m offering the first 2 people 30% off initial price to kick off this thread.

Chat me with any questions!

please pm me

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