Instant Monetization of Videos for fb AdBreaks

Service type: Instant Monetization of Videos for AdBreaks
Price: 2.000 $ (negotiable and can be replaced with other assets)

If You have already approved AdBreak fb for Your Videos, than I can offer You the fastest way that Your videos get Reviewed and You start immediately earn from Video Views.
My trick approval process of the Video is 5 - 45 minutes per video (still not clear why this difference, probably because FB updates). Standard Procedure of Reviewing/Approving Videos at Fb is 12-24h.
This option currently works only for Ad breaks accounts/pages that is shown the “Submit for Review Button”.
For the rest of the pages (the ones without “Submit for Review” button, there is no trick, but i can offer You an explanation how the fastest You can get for approval for only 50 $.

Money back guaranty. The first 2-3 video approvals we can make them together, with print-screens exchange or via TeamViewer, or I can send You short Video.
Only serious buyers please write. The price is relatively high, just because to limit the possibility of free sharing that trick.

hello, how can i contact with you?

You can DM me in private (mesage me) , i think you can do that for more info.

It’d 2000$ or 2 $ ??? Confusing

Its pretty clearly 2,000 USD…?

Some countries use periods instead of commas for currencies. Ex. 2.000,00 (2,000 USD)

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I don’t know what the trick is but my videos usually get approved in like 4-5 hours top? Never noticed that it was 12-24 hours in general.

It can last also 5-6 days sometime!

i did send messeage for you

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