Legacy Facebook verification- NO PR required | Get verified on facebook profile/page

Service type: Facebook profile/page legacy verification

Price: $800

Description: Providing Facebook verification (not meta verified) without any PR or additional links. Doing for some countries only for now including Indian profiles. Doing through personal fb rep so higher success rate! I’ll require access to the facebook account so only hmu if you’re ok with sharing your password with me.

TAT: 0-2 days

Get verified on facebook today!!

Personal only or also business?

Only personal for now

Since you need access, is this insured?

Journalist method?

Idk much about the insurance, pls elaborate. Tho im ready to provide it for client satisfaction

You need to deposit some $$$$ just to insured your thread as you need access @Brant

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How much?

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We’ve unlisted your topic!

We’ve unlisted your topic as your service is not insured. Any service requiring access to clients’ accounts or inboxes needs to make a fully refundable insurance deposit to SWAPD before they can provide their services.

For more information, please read here:

Feel free to PM me or any other staff member if you have any questions.

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