Need Screenshots of All IG Ban Reasons

If the community would be so kind to help.
I am creating a little booklet about Instagram bans.

I would like to include screenshots of all of the different ban reasons, and what it looks like when an Instagram account is suspended for that reason.

Please comment photos of any ban reasons you have saved in your camera roll. Ideally looking for one of each of

  1. Permanent ban

  2. Copyright ban

  3. Sexual solicitation or Nudity ban

  4. Violence, hate speech, or self harm

  5. Terms of Service Violation

  6. Artificial Likes and Manipulation

  7. Impersonation

Thanks to anyone who contributes.


Sounds convenient as a reference guide! Not clear on how you plan to use it however, if the purpose is to inform sellers about the reasons behind a specific account’s ban, it’s crucial to ensure that when a buyer asks about the ban reason, both the username and the reason for the ban are clearly present. It’s crucial for legitimately making sure that the account was indeed disabled for the stated reason. Hope that makes sense and good luck!


Yes, this makes sense, and thanks for the insight!

The purpose is to inform clients about ban reasons and provide details regarding pricing and unban difficulty. The images are to show clients - if your ban reason looks like this image, its a perm, or sexual solicitation, or impersonation, etc, etc, and then explain what it means, some reasons why it may have happened, and then cost and likelihood of restoring the account.