⚔️ Never Launched NFT Assets - Pixel, Extreme detail. EASY MONEY IF LAUNCHED ON SOLANA NOW!

Service type: NFT Assets For Sale
Price: $3000

Since posting have found more assets we planned to use for this project. Animated campfires for website, 3 extremely detailed spritesheets for full 4 directional movement to place these nfts into moving mechas that can be used in games such as Webb, Pixels etc.


Easy money maker for any established team ready to roll out with a quick nft or token launch on sol/eth now. Or utilise these assets with your current project etc

We spent 9 months collaborating with artists to create a one of the most detailed pixel nft projects to hit the space.

We are now selling all the asset files, which are layered and ready for your developers to assemble for launch.

These assets have never been published or seen the light of day. We invested around $45,000 with several artists to have these created, but due to other metaverse projects, this one was shelved. With our current project commitments, we have no plans to re-enter the NFT space. We hope there is a team out there with the expertise and community to capitalize on these assets.

What you will get:

  1. Complete layer files for generation.
  2. Additional assets such as logo, player cards we started working on.

There are 3 races, male/female: Elven, Humans, Orcs.

We rated the assets:

Uncommon, Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary.

Additionally if you require us to help with the minting contracts or implementation we can offer additional services.

Message me for more info/images


Samples generated for this post:

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The NFT market is currently down, but it will bounce back when the crypto bull run finishes.


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Thank you :pray:

We now have 7-8 highly detailed, hand-designed sprite sheets ready to bring these NFTs to life across multiple existing games, including Pixels and Soulbound (Webb).

These 8-directional sprite sheets allow for seamless integration, enabling the entire collection to collaborate with several other large, established projects.

Contemplated launching this project myself but I’m just so tied up it wont get done properly.

Someone make me steal of offer and set them free onchain!

walking back