Offsite chat warning

Please describe the issue you’ve found against someone who wronged you, or is a possible threat in order to warn our community. You’re not allowed to release information other than info freely found in public and on other sites. Posting proof is also recommended. No personal ID’s, photos, etc. Links/names/emails/contact info is OK.

He is trying to contact me off site



Most sellers use the nicknames they use in the social media world on the site. Or they write their first and last name on their profile.

This is a great opportunity for them to find them off site.

Users anonymity should be tougher @SWAPD


Regardless of this, I believe the purpose of Swapd is safety, Knowing the IG or FB of someone else won’t do anything. At the end of the day, Swapd offers safe trades for either buyers or sellers. So I don’t think is so important to look at the username or name. Unless you want to do a trade off-site where 90% scams.