PinkSale trending service [Top 1-6] | $800 per 24h

I will get your presale trending on PinkSale, crypto’s largest presale platform. You will be floating between Top 1 and Top 6. The trending section is visible at the top of every page.

Please note that due to PinkSale’s recent algorithm update, you might also trend between Top 6-12 from time to time or even disappear from the section completely. However I guarantee that you will trend between 1-6 most of the time.

Price: $800 for 24 hours

Best Price Guarantee: Found a lower price somewhere else? Contact me and I will adjust.

TAT: within 1 hour

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Can you send me some SS of previous work done please

Have order.

Cannot DM.

Unblock if blocked for some reason.

Need this asap but cannot DM