PR Publication "Top 20 Entrepreneurs to pay attention to in 2020" being published on Yahoo Finance

Account type: PR Publication
Price: $1500 OBO

PR publication will be published on Yahoo Finance titled: “Top 20 entrepreneurs to pay attention to in 2020”

I am selling spots within this article, you must be running a legitimate business and the more spots that fill up the higher the price will go.

How it works:
You buy the media placement. We will send you a questionnaire about yourself and your business, once the questionnaire is filled out our writers will condense the response into a single paragraph and publish this article.


Interesting. :smiley:

Interested. Can we discuss? DM me

PM me

Please pm

Can you get verified.

Also, is this going on press release or legit Yahoo Finance .com domain?

Dm me

very interested - PM me more details please