Premium 76k follower meme page (over 80% premium)

Country of followers (majority): United States
Amount of followers: 76k
Topic/Niche: Memes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): S4S


Looking to sell or trade for an IG account. This is a good account, but I am extremely bored with FB, and want to give IG a shot. This page is adbreaks eligible, and is perfect for someone who has access to videos.

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link please and is it all green?

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Pm link please

Pmed both. Remember, I am also willing to trade for an IG account, and that this is a premium ad breaks eligible page.

can you please PM link

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Please verify first

I did but they haven’t checked my message

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If you have access to videos or are a video creator this page could do well for you. I don’t post videos because I don’t want to risk violating copyright.


Interested, check inbox

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PM sent.

Pm link and current offer

Hey @Sramey2004
Can you send me the price please?:))


link please