Premium IG for sale (45k) +3k weekly

Country of followers (majority): Usa
Amount of followers: 45.2k
Topic/Niche: Musics/Edits
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic

Active account for sale. Its premium with +40% us and uk audience. Great activity and it grows up to 400 followers in a day. If you know this niche well, and if you use right posts and hashtags, you can easily grow it up to 100k in just 3 months maximum.


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Send handle pls


Handle and current offer

Hi, please send handle. Genuinely interested.

Thank you

Handle and current offer please

handle and current offer please

handle and co?

Handle plse :+1:

Handle and best price please

handle and price please



Handle please:)


Send handle

handle and price, is looking to buy asap

What is the handle?

Handle Please!

Dm Handle and current offer! Willing to buy ASAP

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