[SELLING] 100K+ YouTube channel (NO VIDEOS UPLOADED)

Amount of subscribers: 102k+
Country of subscribers (majority): USA
Topic/Niche: USA Family/ M&M’s Commercials
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic

Description: This is a channel I recently purchased from the site. I am not that desperate to sell it, I just don’t plan on using it anytime soon and if I get the right offer then I will let it go. It was originally a M&M’s commercial channel but i deleted the videos before they all got copy written and all that jazz. Just hit me up with your offers and maybe we can make a deal. Thanks.

channel link

Where are all the videos?

Deleted them because there was no way of getting monetized or verified with those videos since they were copy written. Just re-applied for monetization though.

Let me know how the re-applied for monetization goes also please send me the link. I have a few more questions

did you already claim the 100k reward?

100k play button has not been redeemed

Hey buddy i’m interested…
Also i can help you monetize your Youtube channel even if it has disabled monetization + you can still post the copyrighted content and earn money…

Send me the link.

replied to all

$1000 takes it today. if not then will probably keep it for personal

Thank you for using SWAPD.

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