Selling 211k celebrity ig account

Country of followers (majority): USA and Brazil
Amount of fans/followers: 211.000
Topic/Niche: Celebrity/Fanpage
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): No, never. Grew it myself slowly, active followers.

Description: Fan Account created in 2014, grew it ever since then. Impressions are puns 2.000.000 and 3.000.000 a week, getting profit every week from around 100$. Selling because I don’t have time with university and I need a new computer. Urgent. PM me if interested

@SWAPD can I get a premium tag guys?

No, because it seems that you’ve been using follow/unfollow methods. Sorry!

I have not! That’s weird ?

Exposed :joy:

Username shown in picture @SWAPD

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Sorry, removed. Was only trying to make a point that this story doesn’t check out. The graphs clearly showed follow/unfollow.

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Please send info

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