Selling 49% Stake Of Music YouTube Channel - Passive Income Guaranteed

PM details.


PM’d you

user is asking for a lot
what is the current revenue for it ? that 5k was made two years ago.
what about newest revenue screens

All the screenshots are showing the latest revenues of the channel (at the time of posting so November 2018) for the last 30 days, the last 3 months and the last 365 days.

I’ll be more than happy to provide analytics for December as well if necessary.

They’re there? User made a solid 1.6k USD in 90 days (as seen in the uploaded screenshot for this year’s recent months), which in my opinion is really good.

yeah at 1.6k doesn’t seem like that’s equal to the asking price but i’d keep an eye on this.

I’ve got no idea what his asking price is :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

i do but i’m keeping that to myself

Yes, here are the Analytics of the last 30 Days up to December 17th. As you can see, revenue is up 16% so far.

I’d just like to point out one more time that this is a unique opportunity to generate completely passive revenue. As shown, the short & long term analytics reveal such a stability of traffic and therefore revenue that very few channels have in general, let alone those on sale.

@CrossGamerHD Please see newest screenshot uploaded in topic.

Its definitely a unique niche to say at the least. Are the uploads (beats) created on your own, or reuploaded?

They’re my sole creations. Therefore, I own all the original stereo masters and copyrights of all the music that is used. This will of course be stated and proven in the agreement made with the shareholder. That means that all 660 videos that can be monetized are actually monetized and it will be the same for every future uploads as well. I also have licenses for all the graphic design that is used in my videos.

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I’d have to keep an eye on it.
this closes 7 days from now.
doubt you’d find yourself a buyer before then.
asking price should def be lowered. but i’m interested though


PM Channel Name and The Highest Price

Pm’d you


I invite you to get back to me in PM to talk about it further.

I would also like to mention to all of the interested buyers here that my channel is also ‘Article 13 proof’ since I have created myself and own all the content that I use in my videos.

This is once again a crucial element that very few channels have and which makes mine unique and safe in terms of revenues over the long term.