Selling 94k Instagram Premium (Growing 8-10k weekly)

Country of followers (majority): United Stated
Amount of followers: 94.700
Topic/Niche: Music
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic


The account currently has 90k followers and is growing at a rate of 32-35k followers per month. The account has never been monetized but gets requests for promotions on a daily basis. The reason for not monetizing the account is so that I can grow it as quickly as possible with no interruptions. This is one of the most valuable niches on IG as there are many brands with big budgets looking to advertise on pages like mine. Currently, the growth in the account is actually accelerating and is looking to grow at about 40-45k followers next month.

Handle please?

Pm me handle

handle please.

Please send handle thanks


Handle plz

Username pls?

handle pls

pm me mate

PM handle when you can serious buyer

handle please

Handle please

Handle please


pm handle

handle please

Very interested, please send the handle

handle pls?

pm handle and current offer