Selling a very active 110k Instagram account with a unique name

Country of followers (majority): united States
Amount of fans/followers: 110k
Topic/Niche: nature and arts
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): organic

Description: my own personal account which I started just for fun, the impressions are over 2 million and the account has the capability of gaining a thousand plus followers per day as long as you stay active and consistent. You are guaranteed of getting not less than 3k likes in a single post. Am following few people so it will be easy to manage.

Can you give me link ?

URL and price

Url. :blush:

Please pm

can you pm me please

send me url please

Is the url mentioned above the right one? I get this

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The link you clicked may be out of service or the page has been deleted. Go back to Instagram.

Please PM username & stats

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