Selling BTC (0.1306) at 5% rate

0.1306 for grabs, which is currently 520 USD.
Will sell at a 5% discount, preferably PayPal (if you’re ID verified).

HMU trusted seller here. Proof of funds and all that :smiley:

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Selling BTC for PayPal and 5% discount!?

Beware guys, this might be a scam


@Administrators please ban yari he’s ruining my topic.


He might be right. It looks suspicious :smiley:

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No u.

Whatevs IDC this site is stupid anywayzzzz

We can delete your account if you want :smiley:

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lol …this should be interesting

i also heard this guy’s a scammer, buyers please proceed with caution

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I can vouch for the @seller, he gave me 5usd credit a while ago


@seller has strong connections with politicians, trusted. Should be awarded as member of the month instead of that guy that always wins it. I swear swapd’s member of the month is rigged!


@SWAPD stop paying people to comment that you’re trusted. Thats embarrassing

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Thanks everyone, now no one will take this topic seriously.

All this funny stuff backfired, as I am getting messages like: “Hi, I’m interested but who will hold the bitcoin in escrow?”

One guy actually tried to get me off-site, not knowing I am admin -_-

dats wat u deserve scammer!


Sold, with difficulties but sold.