Selling my +930k YouTube channel

Amount of subscribers: +930k
Country of subscribers (majority): Egypt & ksa
Topic/Niche: Entertainment
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic

Description: Pranks and socials experiments channel that has +280 m views, it’s very likely to reach 1 m subscribers next year so you will be able to claim the gold YouTube play button.

The channel is always an attraction for brands as long as you remain active and get good views they will hire you and you will earn big amounts (earned around $140k lifetime from brands only), i am still receiving brand offers on my email but i don’t have enough time to make videos.

Custom URL isn’t claimed yet so you can claim your own, the channel has the verification badge on it.

No strikes.
Monetization disabled ( can’t be re-enabled ).

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Hey @Alpha, please add the verification badge to tags if possible.

Done. :+1:

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Thank you, super fast as usual.

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Hi. Is this still available? Why is monetisation permanently disabled?

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Yes still available, my AdSense got disabled.

if linked to new adsense will monetization be enabled?

No, i don’t have that option to link another AdSense.

link channel pls

Channel name and price please

Please send me price anduro what language is it in? What’s best price

PMed all.

I am interested in the channel

link? thanks.

Interested. What is the name of the channel?

channel link pls

pm me details plz

Hello, Can you please send me More details like asking price, Original Email and Link.
Is that Arabic channel or English?

Kindly send me the link of the channel