Snapchat verification

Service type: Snapchat verification
Price: $2,000

Description: I have verified 2 penn state running backs that are friends of mine . If you would like proof or ask them about it you can .

All submissions are done using an employee

Requirements - automatically get verified by having a Instagram or twitter page verified

Option two having a lot of press articles ( have not tried this yet )

Tos not responsible for your account loosing badge after its verified

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Pm proof please!

I did

Please only bump your thread once every 24 hours.



Are you verified on twitter or insta

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This is your last warning.

Bro really I did it at 23 hours

Cant recomment seller. He is not even friendly


Sir get off my post I asked are you verified on either platform so i don’t waste any of my time and you didn’t answer the question thanks for the bump

PM proof plz

Can you do it even for qn account which doesn’t get much views???

I don’t recommend as well! Rude and unresponsive. Want just your usernames and disappear. Fake service lol

We’ve received a few complaints about you, @Jaytheballa. I believe you have an open ticket for this service, yes? If you deliver it we will reopen this listing. However, for now, we will unlist it.

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