Top usa 260k page hell activ only today 700$

Country of followers (majority):usa
Amount of followers:260k
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks):full organic

Description: with ia we made 10$ in day is super active page for more pm me , only seriosly plz . Selling because need monay

URL please!!

Pm sended

Bump up , price 900$ only today.

Can u send me a link and the audience countries?

Pm sended

Price 900$

can you share url of the page please ty

What is the account name please and screenshots of demographics?

Url pls

Pm sended

bump up , price 700$

Send me the link & insights of posts please.

Pm me link & insights of posts please.

send me link, insights and demographics of the page.

Pm sended , price 700$

Hi! Very interested!

Please PM me with screenshots of linkclicks, reach, country users are from, and all other statistics. What is your current offer?

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