Travel niche account / 111k followers / $1100

Country of followers (majority): USA
Amount of followers: 111k
Topic/Niche: Travel
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? : Organic, Engagement Groups

Description: Grew this account over 30k in a few months reaching 500+ followers per day using organic strategies (I’d be happy to share what I did to achieve this as I have coached other accounts as well). However, I now don’t have time to grow an instagram account so I’m selling this before it cools off. It hasn’t been active the last couple of weeks (only one post per day) but still gets good explore reach so it can easily be back up to 500+ per day. Will use a middleman for the transaction with a 10% fee covered by the buyer.


Handle pls, I’m really interested


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Handle please, thanks

Please send me the handle

Please send handle. Have you monetized at all?

whats the handle?


Handle and current offer pls

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