Unique Twitter Service | Service for uploading videos longer than 02:20 min


Service type: Twitter Media Studio // Service for uploading videos longer than 02:20 min. :clapper: :bird:
Price: Depends on account type, engagement, and follower count.


Hello to everyone!

I can upgrade your Twitter account so you can post videos longer than 2 minutes 20 seconds.

It is not possible to upload videos longer than 02:20 on Twitter. Only premium profiles can upload long videos.

What do I need:
Username only!
I don’t need account password, email address or any details.

Duration: 1 business day. (usually a few hours)

I will make a special offer for the first order.

Known falsehood:
“Anyone with Twitter Media Studio access can upload long videos.” This is an incorrect definition. Your profile needs to be raised by an agent before you can upload long videos to Twitter.

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looks :fire: service. You should upload price too :clinking_glasses:

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Price: Depends on account type, engagement, and follower count. :slight_smile:





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