[Updated] Top USA - 300K Pets/Animal page - making 400$ a month

Country of followers (majority): USA
Amount of followers: 300k (updated)
Topic/Niche: animals
Does it include the OG (original) email?: no, because the previous email has all other services connected to it. Current email will be given (secured)
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): was grown using our larger pages, but for the past 2-3 month been growing by its own.

Description: Extremely active animal page, engagement rate 7-8%, Extremely good quality!

This is stats screenshot of the latest photo


Stats from the last posts, + stats of the last weeks followers!

Current offer - 1750$


142k followers now!

Please DM me the username handle and screenshots of the current stats please

Please verify first! Use @VERIFICATION

  • 16K followers in one month! Activity is over the roof! You can check yourself!

156K followers now

Handle pls

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161K now!

Handle please :grin: :+1:


Stats from 2 days ago