Verified Blue Badge Account

Amount of followers: 422
Country of followers (majority): USA
Topic/Niche: Education
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic

Description: Its a Verified Blue Badge account , account is inactive from past 4 years hence no activity on it and that is the reason i have not attached analytics screenshots .

Price is solely based on Verified Badge, its coming hard to get Verified badge accounts or your own account Verified hence that account is very rare and i am selling it for now .

please send link

Plz pm handle

pm handle

Please send the handle.

PM sent to everyone .

Account is available

Bump , its available

what is the handle for this twitter account?

We can get verified accounts on other sites for $200. What’s the story with $3000. I’ll give you $250.

What sites?

$250 sounds too good to be true can you elaborate

doesn’t mean anything when they’re all jacked, lol.

Those 200$ accounts gets pulled back in a day becuase those are jacked .

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