Very active +85.5k reddit account | +3 Million Reach/Month | USA audience |

Country of followers (majority):
USA 47.1%
UK 9.3%
Canada 7.5%
India 6.6%
Australia 5.4%
Amount of followers: 85.5k
Topic/Niche: Memes
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow

Description: Naturally grown reddit meme page, og username & no shadow ban history. Account started in 2019 and was the first reddit repost themed page on insta and grew very quickly. As of recent I haven’t had time to keep up with posting so the engagment is a bit down, however. when I start posting again the engagement soars 400% to around 900k reach per week.


pm handle, please. Thanks… :slight_smile:


Useranme and last price


Handle and price please


Pm the handle.



Send me details


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