Wikipedia (Spanish Edition) page for real people (good for IG/FB verification)

Service type : as title say; we can do Wikipedia pages for real deal, such us Public Figures
Price : 800$


We can make Wikipedia page on Spanish version, for public figures (real deal, it’s required a few links sentences about yourself, such us press articles etc or the page will be automatically disapproved from Wikipedia)

Requirements :

  • Biography in English (detailed)

  • Press articles (minium 5 as a good references about you)

  • Once we have the following requirements, we will do the translations and adaptations for host it on Wikipedia (Spanish version, not English, most cheap) and after, if the page was approved from Wikipedia, we can get paid.

We have an internal Wiki contributor, so if the page get approved > you pay ; if get disapproved> you didn’t pay and we can still be friends :partying_face:

Please reach out only if you are a reliable public figures with good press articles.
Without stuff about yourself then you didn’t deserve to have a Wikipedia page (in accordings with Wiki terms)

DM then if you have any info, questions, enquires etc :slight_smile:


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Bump. Accepting new orders

Please be ready with the followings requirements :

  • Detailed io in english
    Social Links references (articles, interview etc)
    Social Media References (facebook, website, instagram etc)

Once that, if i think we can move forward, we will open a ticket here for the pre-payment through TransferWise

Note : We can do ONLY a page on SPANISH Language
So don’t even ask if you are interested on get a page on english or any other language


UP , Still doing

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