Youtube, 287K Subscribers, 16% USA. Only $3000!

Amount of subscribers: 287,000
Country of subscribers (majority): USA
Topic/Niche: Music / Mashups / Remixes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic

Popular studio creating mashups, video edits and remixes.
The channel is perfect for someone who would like to continue on this path or rebrand it to start their own music career.

  • Monetization is ON!
  • The most popular video has 9,200,000 views!
  • Average 1,322 comments!

Only $3,000?!
What’s the catch?
Most of the videos can’t be monetized because they are not original content enough, current monthly revenue is ~$100.
With the right owner, this channel can easily earn thousands!

TransferWise or Bitcoin highly preferred.

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