5M subs Youtube channel verification ✅ on buyer’s name , $5000

Amount of subscribers:4.9M
Country of subscribers (majority): India
Topic/Niche: Shorts
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic


:star2: YouTube Channel For Sale :star2:

Are you looking to expand your online presence instantly? We have an incredible opportunity for you! We’re selling a highly sought-after YouTube channel with the following stats:

:small_blue_diamond: Subscribers: 4.9 million
:small_blue_diamond: Real-Time Views: 1 million
:small_blue_diamond: Previously Monetized (currently not monetized)
:small_blue_diamond: No Strikes, No Warnings

The channel is in excellent standing and ready for new ownership. Payment will be accepted in USDT with fees covered by the buyer. To ensure transparency and security, verification will be conducted on the buyer’s name.

Serious inquiries only, please. Don’t miss out on this chance to own a thriving YouTube channel with a massive subscriber base and significant view count. DM for more details and to make an offer!

#YouTubeChannelForSale #YouTuber #DigitalAssets #OnlineBusiness
