Coinmarketcap Fast Track Listing

Service type: Coinmarketcap Fast Track Listing
Price: $5250


Coinmarketcap Fast Track Listing

$250 fee + $5000 CMC Listing fee


  1. Provide me with details of Coin/Token

    • Basic Information:
    • Name of the coin/token
    • Ticker symbol
    • Description of the project
    • Website URL
    • Whitepaper URL
    • Official social media links (Twitter, Telegram, Facebook, etc.)
  • Technical Information:

  • Blockchain platform (e.g., Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain)

  • Contract address (for tokens)

  • Explorer links (e.g., Etherscan, BscScan)

  • Supply details (total supply, circulating supply)

  • Market Data:

  • List of exchanges where the coin/token is traded

  • Trading pairs available on these exchanges

  • API or other data feed from the exchanges for real-time trading data

  • Legal and Compliance:

  • Information on the team members (names, roles, LinkedIn profiles)

  • Additional Information:

  • Roadmap of the project

  • Community engagement (forum links, GitHub repositories)

If you haven’t got all these details no problem…but it would help :wink:

  1. I will connect with Coinmarketcap
  2. They will check the information within 24 hours. If they are happy, they will send you an invoice directly for $5000
  3. Once your coin/token is listed then you release the $250 fee from Swapd to me. (Swapd fees are included in my $250 fee)

Please note: If Coinmarketcap rejects your application, you pay nothing to them or me.
However, it is highly unlikely they will reject. Once you provide me with the coin/token information, i will be able to see whether your application will be accepted or not. And what we need to do before putting the application through to Coinmarketcap.

Whatever the case, you will not pay anything until Coinmarketcap accepts your application.