Selling Instagram Page in the Cannabis Niche (73.9k Followers)

Country of followers (majority): United States
Amount of followers: 73.9k
Topic/Niche: Cannabis/Fashion
Does it include the OG (original) email?: No, but I can include it if necessary.
Promotion methods used?: Instagram reels organic


Engagement Details (Last 30 Days) (May 24, 2024):

  • Accounts Reached: 7 million
  • Accounts Engaged: 300,000
  • Content Shared: 88 posts (including reels and stories)

Audience Insights:

  • Demographics: 75% men, 25% women
  • Age Group: Majority aged 18-34
  • Geographic Reach: Primarily USA and South America

Content Strategy:

  • Best-Performing Content: Instagram reels showcasing cannabis-related products
  • Posting Schedule: 1 reel per day, 1-2 stories daily, and 1 carousel post every 1-2 weeks


  • Current Revenue: Generated through a Shopify dropshipping store (store closing soon)
    Future Potential: High potential for monetization through affiliate marketing, promotions, e-commerce, etc.
  • Account History:

Established: April 2023
Growth: Consistent upward trend with occasional fluctuations

Reason for Selling:

  • Business Shift: Selling due to a change in business focus and lack of time to manage the account effectively.
  • Store Closure: Associated e-commerce store is closing, but the account retains significant value and can easily transition into the cannabis niche with a new dropshipping store or promotional activities.

Feel free to reach out with any questions or for additional information.

send me @ + price please!!