134k followers Multi-active, open fyp pixel art account

Country of followers (majority): %10 USA, %14 Brasil, %8 India and more european countries
Amount of followers: 134.375
Topic/Niche: Pixel-Art
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): No

Description: An extremely active Instagram account where all posts end up on the Explore page. It has millions of views on videos, with a minimum of 25 thousand views (from followers) and at least 50 thousand views when it appears on Explore. Usually, posts receive at least 3 thousand likes, stories get around 10 thousand views, with a minimum of 7 thousand and a maximum of 30 thousand. We can’t maintain a regular posting schedule, but if we do, story views could reach 20 thousand. Posts are constantly making it to the Explore page; for instance, last week’s post garnered 500 thousand views and 50 thousand likes. Considering opening a website to sell dropshipping products like pixel monitors or mosaic paintings, or something similar.