Facebook Shadowban Removal (Only Provider On Site) Exclusive Service - SWAPD PARTNER


After successfully removing dozens of Facebook shadowbans, I am proud to be the only seller offering this specialized service on Swapd. If your page is no longer being recommended, I can help restore your Facebook account to full visibility and recommendability.


Personal Pages


Business Pages


Turnaround Time

0-7 Days

Get in touch today—I’d love to help restore your Facebook page’s visibility and recommendability!

Temporary Account Access Is Required

GLWS @Abstract :goat:


Pls check PM.

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Feels like my page is Shadowban but not sure… how can I check…?

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Sent you a PM!

This is simple to do. Just remove admins from page and add new admin , after few days your page will be recommendable… too expensive for something so simple.
I’ve already done it for few pages and works !


This is not exactly true, although this may work when the admin has a history or other pages he manages that has been banned or restricted. If this is not the case with the admin then there are other internal things that need to be done in order to fix the issue.

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Idk guys but in this 2 months I got something strange ,2 pages not recommended , I was checking the pages daily for for Flagged content by there were no flagged content , but suddenly one got not recommended directly with not flagged content to remove , and the reach decreased , but with the other page that got not recommended still the same way directly with no Flagged content 1 week ago the page it’s not recommended but have still the same views as before how is that possible and is still being recommended cose I check the data . However the best way that I found to make it recommend again is delete all and wait 1 to 3 months :slight_smile: it will be recommended automatically for me it worked idk for others

Pls check PM.