Looking for someone who can fix FB shadow ban - Verified sellers only please!

I have 2-3 clients that have issues with their facebook recommendable status. I need help fixing their status as well as getting their monetization to go back to normal. After facebook did that update on march 3rd it has caused issues on their facebook showing not recommendable.
I have 2 clients that have saw a big decline in their monetization and their facebook page is not being recommended like it used to be.

Someone that has with experience, verified sellers only. Will not respond to safety concerns.

Also bonus points, if you can help unban their ad account. * Please no one that is just going to try to go through meta ads account center and chat with support from their account. I need real assistance*

@Bappy will do

Bro ^ lol
I respect the hustle though. But no thanks. Fix your safety concern. Fix your business :wink:

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He said he cant do


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