Monetized Search Based How To Channel In High CPM Niche ($8-10RPM)

Amount of subscribers: 9110
Country of subscribers (majority): US & India
Topic/Niche: Digital Marketing/Ecommerce/Make Money Online
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): 100% Organic traffic, no boosting services used



I’m selling my fully monetized how-to channel in the digital marketing niche.

It is 1.5 years old, is a member of the YPP since May 2023, and features 820 videos, that cover tutorials and reviews about serious and legit business ideas, side hustles and online jobs (print on demand, selling digital products, freelancing, AI tools, YT automation, GPT apps, etc…).

It is a so called Search Based channel, which means it generates most traffic via YT Search (75%), which gives it an extremely low volatility to algorithm fluctuations and brings very stable views + revenue per month without any drops.

I have been uploading consistently for over six months with 2x videos per day. The viewcount is growing constantly with very little fluctuations. Perfect as a longterm asset for entrepreneurs, who are aiming for longterm growth and stable views/revenue.

High CPM topics ($25-$35 daily CPM on average). It is 100% clean, has never received any copyright or commuity strikes and features 100% original, human made content (script, voiceover, screen recorded footage).

The videos are super easy to produce, so you can keep the pace up and keep publishing to grow the channel even more.

Growth potential: channel has been lately pushed massively by browse features. However, the main traffic source remains YT Search.

Just make sure to not enable “video embedding”, because that caused the channel to be hit with “invalid traffic” last year. So, don#t use it in combination with a website - that’s my recommendation.

Demographic: mainly US & India.

Asking price: $12k