SWAPD 3.2 Rollout Thread + Bug Tracker

I really like the way the logo looks on Google search results. Looks so professional and clean. I never thought how much that red colour had a way of seeming uninviting until I saw this black version on the search results:

A great decision :slight_smile:


Bug identified.
Your Android app on Google Play is using an old Webview component.
If you no longer support the app, it’s better to remove it and advise users to switch Swapd usage to an updated browser for these reasons:

  1. The homepage leads to a 404 error. If not fixed, it can cause Android users to unintentionally launch a DDOS attack on your servers due to endless HTTP requests.
  2. An outdated Webview component can expose Android users to security risks, potentially leading to hacks. Switching to a modern browser is advised.

OMG, so the reports were from app users? We’ve said COUNTLESS times our official apps are dead and will not be supported.

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It is impossible to read all threads and absorb all Swapd information.
Better to remove official app from Google Play.

That won’t remove it from their phones. Some iOS users still use our old/broken app on iOS and send support PMs.

Another BUG @SWAPD

When trying to message a user from the chat tabs it glitches out and doesn’t work.

IOS 17.4.1


Can you do an exact step by step on what you did? I am unable to reproduce.


We’re still tackling issues from the first rollout, so before we enable anything else, we need to fix our problems first. Tested on the test server, and everything is fine. Goes into production, PROBLEMS! Why is it always like that?

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It would be easy if every coding language stuck to the same thing, but NOOOOOOOOOOO! They need to change all the time.

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Update! @help bot finally fixed and crash proof. Almost done with squashing most bugs so new features will be rolled out in the upcoming two weeks.


This is true, I’m also facing this.

You need to press back button twice that the PM tab is opened to send the message.

Yea sometimes back doesnt work, page goes blank etc…minor glitches. Iphone 15pro max

Can you make a video?

What the hell is the exit scam plan lol?

I think i have missed tons of info here.

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