Trading related unique username on multiple platforms (X, Telegram + .ton domain, Linktree, Reddit, TradingView, CoinMarketCap, Twitch, YouTube and TikTok with _ between words)

Property type: Trading related unique username on multiple platforms (X, Telegram + .ton domain, Linktree, Reddit, TradingView, CoinMarketCap, Twitch, YouTube and TikTok with _ between words)

Why is it unique?: Cool and easy listening name for trading channel.
Many people have been trying to wrest this nickname from me for a long time, made offers to sell, but I was not ready.

Price: $2000 or best offer.

Description: I reserved these accounts for myself, many of them are 2017+ registrations. Pretty cool and sounding name for a channel about trading.
I haven’t used these accounts much, so they are pretty much clean.
Have a cool logo, can discuss the price. Never
Buy it quick before I change my mind =)
Who will offer first $4444 will give a logo as a gift.