1,800,000 follower IG

2000 dolar?

pm unsername and final price

pm me the username and lowest price super interested

Hi still waiting on PM

PM price and link

Strong account

Account is strong

But even my two kidneys are not strong enough for 100k$ :pleading_face:


Handle please


Imagine to get banned after some days

Hate to bring you bad news brother, but this account won’t go for more then 8-12k. Good luck.

Handle please

Are you out of your mind? Lol

1 Like


send me handle. thanks

Handle please

Can you send me more details please. Thanks.

You forgot to add the monthly income that this account generating, if any. When your asking price is 100K, I will need to know how soon I would see any ROI. Amount of followers is irrelevant at this point.


Pm handle

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