$4000 Facebook and Instagram Media Panel Music and Entertainment Guide Only!

Not to throw any shade here, what’s your agenda? Didn’t you read that several others have successfully acquired these panels in the last 30 days? Why is your sole intention to get one persons opinion when you can reach out to the several people highlighted above that have successfully followed our steps and claimed panels? Not really sure how the logic makes sense :joy:

Is it 4k now?

I have a question, do you think the panels will continue to work when meta verified reaches all countries?

Panels do more than just verifications, you can claim usernames, recover accounts, merge accounts , etc.

Meta verified is also only available for users who’s full name on account matches ID; artists, businesses, and others still need panel submission currently


And meta verified support is ■■■■

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So nothing yet?

Yeah, no update yet, today’s the 5th day.


WHO GOT THE PORTAL WITH THIS GUIDE? Please let me know too!

if got! Does it work?

where are positive reviews? WHO ALL ARE BUYING?

Did you put the name of the facebook representative in the form?

What does this whole thing mean? I’m ignorant please explain as I’m an artist

It’s not the name of rep but point contact of label

I got 3 of them off the initial one he got me. They’re working fine. Just have to follow the guide.

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Update: 7th day of submission. No signs of any portal. Did everything as per the guide and got it checked by seller before submitting but failed to get any portal yet. This was my 3rd unsuccessful attempt. The method hasn’t worked for me.


Seems like it doesn’t works now, it worked some days ago as previously people have mentioned that they got the portal

This definitely still works, my team just got another last Friday. If you’re not following the directions to tee, then yeah it doesn’t work, there’s lot of specific things to follow.

You have two methods you are using one without your relationship you get in the long term, they do t always go through first time, clearly you messed up twice prior to the most recent… clearly states to NOT spam requests with same ID

Didn’t do spam request. All requests went with separate devices and separate unused Merlin IDs clearly unrelated to each other. Infact bought two new devices to not messup anything. Anyhow, can you elaborate why the last one didn’t work? I literally showed you everything before submission and you approved. Everything was done as per your instructions and as per that document.


Like what’s stated in the guide, you need to season the profiles to meet the criteria which I stated to you, you need a different IP address that’s mentioned in the guide per account, not just a different device. The fact that you submitted two requests without our acknowledgement and are submitting a third with the same IP address, although the device IP is different, still goes noticed. Not all Merlin partners are active and not all Merlin partners just accept anything, please allow your peers to explain their success cause clearly you’re missing something you are not stating, and for that I cannot help you if you’re not fully transparent with us.

With this said, we’ve had enough of the complaining, it doesn’t make sense more than half people that we sell to have no issues but all of you on here are trying to cheat your way through the detailed process and only are developing complaints off of one of the two methods. We gave you a long term guide to be your own Merlin partner yet you complain you cannot comprehend what’s in the other method, tad bit ridiculous. We’ve done this for 4 years, we get panels weekly and sell them off site for much higher value than cna be sold on site and we sell this method off site for $50,000+ and NONE of the clients have an issue, but when you guys front $4.5k-8.5k you complain because you cheat your way and skip processes mentioned and blame us for your unsuccessful attempts. If you’re denied 3 times, YOU ARE SKIPPING STEPS. Period.

And to all of you reselling this method after I listed it, any issues that emerge yo anyone who didn’t buy from us, you’re gonna get screwed so stop messaging me about buying it from someone else I don’t care, if you don’t buy it from us, that’s not our problem.

For now I’m closing this thread as you guys are all panel method geniuses and the OGs and knew everything I’m talking about and teaching but started to sell it a month after my successes…? Interesting.

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