:popcat: Add ALL your followers to your CLOSE FRIENDS | 100% SAFE | 10x your engagement on Instagram | 78+ accounts done on-site!

PM’d :slight_smile:

Update: I have now added 19,413,796 followers to close friends on-site!

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7500 is not the maximum anymore? I thought…

This method bypasses the IG limit and we’re able to add any amount of your followers to your close friends :slight_smile:

GLWS :heart_eyes: :fire: :rocket:

can you please share before after engagemebt kevels

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This here is a recent before & after:

Another Case Study of a 200k account.

Increased story views by 10x


GLWS BRO! :rocket:


Is impossible to reverse after put all this follower in close friend right?

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I was able to remove them, but the last update in November made it more difficult. I could look into it though for you :slight_smile:

Would be pointless to remove them though, just don’t post close friends stories

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Check dm bro :slight_smile:

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Big vouch for the goat @420crown He made all my 4 accounts and the views went sky rocket :pray:

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Thank you @Cecker :heart_hands:

Vouch for this service, clients did see a spike in views :pray:

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