From the Streets to the Elite: @Abstract Hits the Million Dollar Mark on SWAPD!

Congratulations @Abstract on achieving this milestone. You totally deserve it! :heart:

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Congrats @Abstract! Well deserved! :hugs:

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My real Name is:

Sardar Colonel (Retd) Bahadur Yar Jang Khan Durrani, Tamgha-e-Imtiaz



My name is Prince Gbolahan Lawal, Prince of Nigeria

I can give you a large sum of money in exchange for a small fee upfront

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Nope. I need a wooden box full of Gold Nuggets shipped to my address for $950 upfront.

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Congrats! @Abstract

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Congratulations! @Abstract

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Well deserved! Congratulations @Abstract

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Congrats My Bro :fist_right::fist_left: @Abstract

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Congrats :clap::tada: bro @Abstract

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Legit legend @Abstract

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Bro, you deserve it, you are the real GOAT :grinning: :goat:


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@Abstract congrats bro

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Congrats @Abstract

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what a goat @Abstract :smirk:

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Congrats @Abstract, the billion is next :pray:

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@Abstract congratulations King :champagne:
Long over due! Welcome :heavy_check_mark:

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Congrats @Abstract! :tada:

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