Quick Meta Verification on custom name and PFP starts at $199. Insured Service

It was pleasure completing your verification.
Taking 3 slots more for meta verification. Hit me up fast and book your slot.

GLWS! :rocket:

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Thank you my brother :pray:t2::heart:

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Friendly bump! This topic is now insured.

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This service is now insured. Taking each and every case for verification. PM asap to get your account verified.

This guys is awesome… he knows what he’s doing, on a variety of topics. He just saved me a couple hundred dollars. I wouldn’t hesitate to do business with him.

Friendly Bump!

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Thank you so much for your words. It was pleasure helping you. I hope we’ll complete tickets soon :partying_face::heart:

Vouch to @immortals just verified a business account for me.

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Taking more orders with more cheap pricing.

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Is this legacy verification or just paid verification but with whatever name?

Paid verification but whatever name and profile picture.

N no renewals? Guaranteed for how long?

Guarantee will be as long as you’ll pay meta subscription per month.

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