We will soon eliminate PayPal from our payment options!

  1. Swapd secures payment
  2. Swapd asks buyer to make payment to seller
  3. Seller confirms receiving payment
  4. Swapd releases account credentials to buyer
  5. Buyer confirms getting the account

For services without pre-payment it’s even easier. Flipmass used to work like that

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I guess this is where the problem is. What’s stopping the seller from claiming he didn’t receive the payment? Or the buyer claiming he sent it, but didn’t?

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There are ways to ‘proof’, it’s not waterproof. But PayPal dispute system isn’t either & that’s one of the biggest payment processors in the world.

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That’s true, but I guess we could go back & forth for a while, since there will always be someone going the extra mile to “cheat the system” in terms of forging documents/proof. PayPal disputes comes down to the support rep handling the dispute, so yeah. Nothing in the payment world is waterproof, unfortunately.

Time to create SwapdPay!



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I am setting up a WordPress site right now, installing a payment processor plugin plus WP Security Plus so it’s safe to use.

I’ve actually looked into this years ago (setting up a payment processor service). The upfront costs are ridiculous, along with the legal aspect, and bank-like infrastructure you need on the back end for entities like VISA and MasterCard.

I can have that waived with Payoneer :slight_smile:

That’s good , but many deals will be failed. What happens if a buyer is not going to make payment after securing an account ? :thinking:

Payment PDF + ( screen record refreshing website where it appears that the payment has been sent + approved by the bank / or approving by the bank )

  1. Payment date: the date the bank completed the transaction

  2. Payment amount: the amount that you sent to someone

  3. Payment currency: the currency in which your money was sent to someone

  4. Payment official PDF as proof

That’s adding too many things for us to check. We’re already low on time, so that’s a no-go.