1.1m Subs USA YouTube Account, 65% Premium audience, Monetized, Good Revenue, for Sale ($12k)

Amount of subscribers: 1100000
Country of subscribers (majority): USA, UK
Topic/Niche: Creepy, Horror
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic


1- Account have got 1.1m plus Subs and is with 65% plus Premium audience.
2- Good revenue with good CPM in recent past. Have great revenue potential due to premium audience. Can be brought back. Good CPM.
3- Can be Reverified on client’s Name if required.
4- Crypto/USDT/USDC as payment. In extreme case, Wire.
5- All history screenshots uploaded.
6- High-Paying, low-competition Creepy/Horror niche.

Inbox for more details about channel in question. More USA Top channels available.


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