#1 Facebook Username Claim Service | Generic & Non Generic Handles | SWAPD Partner/ Millionaire Club Member

fb claim(3)

:small_blue_diamond: What This Service Offers:

:white_check_mark: Can claim generic (3L+) & non-generic usernames
:white_check_mark: Can claim usernames from inactive & banned accounts
:white_check_mark: Fast & confidential process with proven success
:white_check_mark: Fully managedโ€”no hassle on your end

:x: Cannot claim usernames from active accounts
:x: Cannot claim one-letter usernames

:pushpin: Requirements โ€“ Send This Form to Get a Quote:

:envelope_with_arrow: Current Facebook Name: (facebook. com/currentusername)
:envelope_with_arrow: Requested Username: (e.g., facebook. com/requestedname)
:envelope_with_arrow: Would you like this on a new account? (Yes/No)

Once received, we will evaluate availability and provide you with an updated quote.

:small_blue_diamond: Additional Notes:

  • If you want the username on a newly created account, the username must be inactive (not currently in use).
  • If you want to claim a banned handle, the username must be fresh (never reassigned to another account).

:stop_sign: What is a Banned Account?

A banned username is one that belonged to an account that was permanently disabled by Facebook. You can check if a username is banned by typing its full URL into your browser.

:mag: Example:
If you enter https://www.facebook.com/bobi and see the following message:

That means the username is banned

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Turnaround Time:

:date: 1-5 business days (case-by-case basis)

:moneybag: Pricing & Payment Methods:

:dollar: Starting Price: $2,000 (final price depends on complexity & rarity)
:credit_card: Payment Methods: USDT, Wire Transfer

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Glws :100::fire: Always

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Thank you!

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