1 Million YouTube Views - Just $700! [VIP SELLER] | YouTube Video Promotion | YouTube Views Google AdWords Views

Dmed you

Can you do South america targeted?


Can you do country targeted?

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Not as of now because google released few updates just 4 days backand put few limitations on accounts, team is working to get the solutions. Might take few days.

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Did anyone try this ? Profits ?

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Yes, I’ve closed multiple successful tickets. You can reach in DM’s for more info

Can the video be about crypto? and can you target investors?

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Yes video can be about anything but we can’t do keywords targeting. You can DM us for all of your queries

DM me

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Replied sir

can you drive traffic on instagram? what are the prices?

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No can’t do that

can you target specific countries?

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Are the views organic??