122K YouTube Channel about celebrities with 142M views on affordable Price

Amount of subscribers: 122 000
Country of subscribers (majority): USA, India, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Australia
Topic/Niche: Celebrities, Models, News
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation):
This Channel is made by me on 12th December of 2020. 3 years ago. I am first and only one owner of this channel. It is like my baby. But suddenly I am selling it on affordable price. Content is about Celebrities mainly and models, also Fashion walks.
this channel had 143 million views it has bright future and is waiting for good owner who knows his profession.
Please don’t disturb me if you are not really interested

hi can you please pm channel name? interested! also any copyright strikes or issues?

Hey, please share link, I am interested!