127K X/Twitter Acct; Topic: Interesting Stuff; 4.2M Impressions last 28, Monetized; Very Active, English language; OGE included

Amount of followers: 127.3K
Country of followers (majority): Tier 1 English language
Topic/Niche: Interesting Stuff
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic

Twitter/X account with 127.3K followers and growing around 300 per week
Topic is Interesting Stuff: how to crafts, DIY, cleaning and cooking hacks, surprising stuff, medical, survival

Account is Verified (blue check) and monetized (you will have to change to your own Stripe account)

4.2M impressions over last 28 days, 5 posts/day + 4 reposts of posts from 36 hours ago
This number of impressions should continue if you continue with posting schedule. This account does generate occasional viral posts that hit 200K+ impressions and those viral posts will affect the ultimate number of impressions you get. It was dormant for close to six months and I revived it and have built it into a considerable impression generator in just a couple of months.

This is a perfect account to repost from other accounts in order to build up their number of followers. If you have your own network, it’s posts are also perfect for reposting because they are general interest posts that would work for nearly any account niche.

There is a sister account that is also for sale.

Hi username and best price

price and ?

$1800, x.com/inwhatwayz

Gino DeMarco